According to a pet owner’s survey by Statista, around 67% of all US households owned a pet in 2019.
Even though most homeowners have a fur baby, some people just don’t like them. If you are a pet owner and searching for ways to ” sell my house fast,” chances are you will meet potential buyers who are not interested in keeping pets.
It is important to ensure that your love for your pets doesn’t get in the way of a lucrative real estate deal. That’s why we bring you this quick guide to selling a home that’s been lived in by pets. No matter how big or small, how friendly or vicious, keep them out of the home sale equation!
Image Source: Unsplash
Read ahead for a few tips that you can follow to sell your house if you have a pet:
Deep Cleanse Your Home
Homebuyers can easily get turned away due to foul odors. The fact is that pets can create these, so you must give your home a deep cleansing before even listing it on the market.
A simple vacuum of the floor and wipe over the countertops will not do the job. Deep cleaning involves going over those areas as well that are tough to access. These include, behind the furniture, underneath the rugs, and inside of closets.
When you have pets, you can be sure to find their hair all over the house and especially in places where you don’t dust daily.
This promotes foul odor in the home, which can only go away if you clean out these areas.
If you think you will have trouble cleaning, you can also hire professional cleaning services.
Clean The Exterior Of The House
To ensure that your home exterior looks attractive should be a priority as a home seller because it gives a good first impression to the buyers. If you have pets, then you have to be extra careful about it.
If your pet uses the backyard as their bathroom, then make sure to clean after them. Not only will it look unappealing to potential buyers and give off a foul smell, but they might also step into it.
Another important thing to work on would be the lawn of your home. Pets often dig up holes in the garden that should be filled up because they can impact your home’s showing.
Repair Interior Damage
Pets are adorable and fun to have, but they can be pretty destructive as well. While the damage varies in intensity, some common areas of your home will need some repair before your house listing. These include scraped paint and footprints on the walls, scratched hardwood floors, ripped carpets and curtains, and furniture, to name a few.
Flea Inspection
No matter how clean you keep your pet, there may be a case of fleas in your home that you might not know. If you think that is the case, you should get it checked out by a professional and get it treated if need be.
Fleas and other pests are a big no to any potential buyer so make sure you have them out of the house before they walk in.
Don’t Keep Pets At Showing
Your pet is a part of your family, but if your potential buyers are not interested in pets, then you can send it out for some time.
One of your family members can take it for a walk across the block when the house is occupied. You can even hire a professional walking service to walk your pet and look after it while dealing with the buyers.
If that is not possible, then you can ask a friend or relative to look after your pet for some time. That way, neither the buyers nor your pet will be inconvenienced.
Image Source: Unsplash
Sell My Home Fast: EZHomeBuyers
Selling a home with pets can be difficult, especially if the potential buyers are not interested in any. Preparing the house for such showings require even more cautiousness.
If you are looking for answers to, “How to sell my house now if I have a pet?”. We have the answer at EZHomeBuyers.
Our experts will come and check out your property and buy it ASAP if it fulfills our standards. Rest assured that we are unbiased towards pets in a home and ready for an all-cash sale!
Get in touch today to learn more.